
Awesome content about TIA committees.

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Telecommunications Industry Association

TR-14 | Structural Standards for Communication and Small Wind Turbine Support Structures

Engineering Committee TR-14 is responsible for the ANSI/TIA-222 Standard, “Structural Standard for Antenna Supporting Structures, Antennas and Small Wind Turbine Support Structures” and the ANSI/TIA-322 Standard, “Loading, Analysis and Design Criteria Related to the Installation, Alteration and Maintenance of Communication Structures.”

Telecommunications Industry Association

TR-34 | Satellite Equipment & Systems

The TR-34 Engineering Committee is responsible for standards and studies related to satellite communications systems, including both the space and earth segments.

Telecommunications Industry Association

TR-41 | Performance and Accessibility for Communications Products

The TR 41 Engineering Committee develops and maintains performance requirements for voice, video and other features associated with communications services.

Telecommunications Industry Association

TR-42 I Telecommunications Cabling Systems

The TR-42 Engineering Committee develops and maintains voluntary telecommunications standards for telecommunications cabling infrastructure in user-owned buildings, such as commercial buildings, residential buildings, homes, data centers and industrial buildings.

Telecommunications Industry Association

TR-45 I Mobile and Point-to-Point Communications Standards

The TR-45 Engineering Committee develops performance, compatibility, interoperability and service standards for mobile and personal communications systems.

Telecommunications Industry Association

TR-48 I Vehicular Telematics

The TR-48 Engineering Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary standards relating to vehicular telematics equipment and services.

Telecommunications Industry Association

TR-50 I M2M – Smart Device Communications

The TR-50 Engineering Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of access agnostic interface standards for the monitoring and bi-directional communication of events and information between machine-to-machine (M2M) systems and smart devices, applications or networks.



Telecommunications Industry Association

TR-51 I Smart Utility Networks

The TR-51 Engineering Committee is developing air-interface, network and conformance standards in support of Smart Utility Networks.

Telecommunications Industry Association

TR-8 | Mobile and Personal Private Radio Standards

Engineering Committee TR-8 formulates and maintains standards for private radio communications systems and equipment for both voice and data applications.

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