Strengthen Your Defenses: Network Security Must be Built-In, Not Bolted-On

In an increasingly connected world, the security of our networks is critical to ensure that consumers, businesses and governments can reach the full potential of their technologies. Since nearly every sector of the global economy relies on a robust international ICT supply chain, every contributor throughout the supply chain has a responsibility to address the risks they face.

This is why the TIA QuEST Forum and our participants built the first-ever cybersecurity and supply chain security management system that will help organizations verify that suppliers and technology components can be trusted. The new SCS 9001 standard was released in 2022.

Since, the launch of SCS 9001, changes in the cybersecurity landscape, combined with feedback from industry leaders and governing bodies, have called for an updated and expanded Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Security standard. SCS 9001 Release 2.0 provides a more comprehensive global cybersecurity and supply chain security standard adaptable to all digital technologies across all applications and industry sectors to serve today’s market and extend protection where needed while ensuring alignment with evolving government legislation and industry initiatives.

Get involved with SCS 9001

Interested in joining our Supply Chain Security Working Group? Join leaders from global network providers, equipment suppliers, cloud solutions providers, software developers, connected device manufacturers and consultants to evolve SCS 9001 to meet the ever changing cybersecurity and supply chain risk management (SCRM) landscape.

TIA Supply Chain Security Resources



SCS 9001 Release 2.0: A comprehensive global cyber and supply chain security standard adaptable to all digital technologies across all applications and industry sectors.

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IOT Position Paper


New position paper outlines the issues and describes the opportunities for significant IOT security improvements.

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Supply Chain Security Technical Bulletins

Explore our library of technical bulletins to read how SCS 9001 aligns with government and regulatory requirements around the world and how SCS 9001 could have help prevent and mitigate well-known cybersecurity breaches.

How SCS 9001 aligns with global government regulations

Technical Bulletin: Comparing SCS 9001 to ISO/IEC 20243 >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: Comparing SCS 9001 to ISO 27001 >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: NIST Cyber Security Framework R2 and SCS 9001 >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: Comparing SCS 9001 to CTA-2088 >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: Comparing SCS 9001 to ISO 28001 >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and U.S. EO 14028 >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and the National Institute of Standards Cybersecurity Framework >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and the National Institute of Standards and NISTR 8276 >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and UK Telecommunications Security Act of 2021 >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and NCSC Cyber Essentials >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and U.K. NCSC 10 Steps to Cybersecurity >DOWNLOAD NOW


Tune into SCS 9001 Webinars

SCS 9001 Standard Overview >Watch Replay

Master the ICT Supply Chain Security Management SCS 9001 Standard: Training Courses for Certification Success >Watch Replay

Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience through Government-Industry Collaboration >Watch Replay

Boost Your C-SCRM Strategy with Advanced Software Tools and Industry Standards >Watch Replay

Introducing SCS 9001 Certification Bodies and Auditors >Watch Replay


How SCS 9001 can mitigate the impact to security breaches

Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 Potential Impacts to the Log4j Security Breach >DOWNLOAD NOW

Technical Bulletin: SCS 9001 and the IBM Data Breach Comparison >DOWNLOAD NOW


read our blog posts on scs 9001

Blog: IoT Security Starts with Securing the Entire Supply Chain >READ NOW

Blog: How SCS 9001 and Prague Proposals >READ NOW

Blog: Zero Trust for Supply Chains: A Critical Aspect of the SCS 9001 Standard >READ NOW

Blog: Software Identification and Traceability: Essential to Securing the ICT Supply Chain >READ NOW

Blog: Why ICT Security Must Go Beyond ISO 27001 >READ NOW

Blog: Establishing Trust: Foundational to Securing the ICT Supply Chain >READ NOW