TIA Standards Update Q4 – 2022
TIA’s TR engineering committees have been hard at work with ongoing standards development meetings and leadership elections.
TR-14 Structural Standards for Communication and Small Wind Turbine Support Structures Committee
TR-14 is pleased to welcome three new participants—Johnson Broderick Engineering, FieldSync, and Westchester Services. TR-14 will hold their first 2023 in-person full committee and Ad Hoc Task Group meeting this Spring. Their second meeting will take place in the fall. The committee held their leadership elections last October. Bryan Lanier of American Tower Corporation was elected hair and David Hawkins of Paul J. Ford & Company was elected vice chair. This committee is currently working on the following standards: TIA-5053-A, ANSI/TIA-322-A and ANSI/TIA-222-I. Click HERE to learn more about TR-14.
TR-41 Performance and Accessibility for Communications Products
TR-41 is updating the TIA-5050 Standard for Communications Products Volume Control Requirements for Wireless (Mobile) Devices. This important work will focus on ensuring that mobile phones are compatible with hearing aid devices. Industry stakeholders such as mobile handset manufacturers; mobile telephone service providers; manufacturers of personal sound amplifiers; standards development organizations involved in audio device standards; and associations that represent audio device manufacturers, telecommunications service providers, and hearing aid users can take part in this effort by participating on the TR-41 committee. Click Here to learn more about TR-41.
TR-42 Telecommunications Cabling Systems Committee
TR-42 is pleased to welcome two new participants—Derwiser and Ladera Engineering Group. TR-42 will hold their first 2023 in-person committee meeting the week of January 30 – February 3, 2023, in Tampa, FL and will elect new leadership for all odd subcommittees. Their second meeting will take place the week of June 5-9, 2023, and their third meeting will take place during the week of October 2-6, 2023. This committee is currently working on the following standards: ANSI/TIA-942-C, ANSI/TIA-568.1-E-1, ANSI/TIA-568.5 addendum 1 and ANSI/TIA-568.2-E. Click HERE to learn more about TR-42.
TR-60 ICT Lifecycle Management Committee
TR-60 will hold their meetings on a quarterly basis while both the TR-60.B Subcommittee and TR-60 TSB Working Group meetings will continue to meet monthly. The next TR- 60 ICT Lifecycle Management Committee Meeting will take place on Thursday, January 19, 2023, and the next TR-60.B Subcommittee Meeting is scheduled for March 2, 2023. The TR-60.B Subcommittee has started work on TIA-5077-1 (ICT Lifecycle Management: Information Management Process – Technology) and the TR-60 TSB Working Group has nearly completed a first working draft. Click HERE to learn more about TR-60.
For more information regarding TIA Standards Engineering Committees, please contact Cheryl Thibideau at cthibideau@tiaonline.org. All information regarding upcoming TR meetings can be found at TIA Events.
To contribute or participate in either the IEC work or US TAG Activities in the U.S., all you have to do is email standards@tiaonline.org. We will provide you with the details on how you can get involved in both IEC and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25.