Multi-Organization Statement After the FCC Approved the Wireless Hearing Aid Compatibility Rules

WASHINGTON, August 4, 2016 – In response to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approving a Report and Order that would implement changes to the scope of the wireless hearing aid…

Nokia's Association with 5G
Nokia’s Association with 5G

Can the U.S. maintain its place as a leader in the global race to 5G? Will the FCC and Congress streamline the process of network infrastructure deployments? What disruptive business…

TIA Applauds House E&C #SubCommTech’s Focus on Connectivity Issues

Subcommittee Hearing Today Affirmed Importance of MOBILE NOW for Advancing 5G and IoT Arlington, Va. (April 5, 2017) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), the leading association representing the manufacturers and suppliers…

TIA Says FCC’s Wireless Order Key to Deploying 5G

Arlington, VA (September 26, 2018) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), the leading association representing the manufacturers and suppliers of high-tech communications networks, today applauded FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr and…

Smiling Deaf woman using smartphone
TR-41 Performance and Accessibility for Communications Products

The TR 41 Engineering Committee develops and maintains performance requirements for voice, video and other features associated with communications services.

Wi-Fi router
TR-45 Mobile and Point-to-Point Communications Standards

The TR-45 Engineering Committee develops performance, compatibility, interoperability and service standards for mobile and personal communications systems.

TR-51 Smart Utility Networks

The TR-51 Engineering Committee is developing air-interface, network and conformance standards in support of Smart Utility Networks.