TIA Issues New IEC 61755-1: Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices and Passive Components – Connector Optical Interfaces for Single-mode Fibers – Part 1: Optical Interfaces for Dispersion Unshifted Fibers – General and Guidance Standard
Stakeholders Invited to Contact TIA Regarding Participation
Arlington VA (September 22, 2023) – The Telecommunications Industry Association, which develops standards for the information and communications technology industry, has released a new document, ANSI/TIA-621.1, IEC 61755-1:Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices and Passive Components – Connector Optical Interfaces for Single-mode Fibers – Part 1: Optical Interfaces for Dispersion Unshifted Fibers – General and Guidance Standard.
ANSI/TIA-621.1 This is an adoption of IEC 61755-1:Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices and Passive Components – Connector Optical Interfaces for Single-mode Fibers – Part 1: Optical Interfaces for Dispersion Unshifted Fibers – General and Guidance.
ANSI/TIA-621.1 was formulated under the cognizance of the TIA TR-42 Telecommunications Cabling Systems Standards.
For more information about TR-42 and how to participate in standards development with TIA, contact Cheryl Thibideau at standards-process@tiaonline.org.
TIA is actively seeking participation in these projects from the user and general interest communities.
ANSI/TIA-621.1 and all TIA standards may be purchased at http://global.ihs.com.
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About TIA
The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) represents more than 400 global companies that enable high-speed communications networks and accelerate next-generation ICT innovation. Through leadership in U.S. and international advocacy, technology programs, standards development, and business performance solutions, TIA and its members are accelerating global connectivity across every industry and market. TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).