TIA Issues Call for Interest on new Project for Acoustic echo control requirements for analog telephones
Arlington VA. (July 17, 2017) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR-41.3 Engineering Committee on Performance and Accessibility for Communication Devices has issued a call for interest for document ANSI/TIA-470.140 initially titled “Acoustic Echo Control Requirements for Analog Telephones”. TR-41.3 is developing guidelines to address the issue of analog telephones exhibiting delays in the acoustic path. It is requiring that acoustic echo control (AEC) be used to prevent far-end talker echo.
The stakeholders may include, but are not limited to: Analog telephone manufacturers.
TIA actively seeks participation in these projects from the user and general interest communities.
For more information, contact: Marianna Kramáriková, Director, Standards and Program Development, at mkramarikova@tiaonline.org.
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A major function of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is the writing and maintenance of voluntary industry standards and specifications. These activities are carried out by the volunteer members of TIA engineering committees. On the public engineering committee pages, users will find recent meeting reports, agendas and notices for upcoming meetings, as well as links to some of the most popular standards from each committee. TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
PR Contact
Charlie Vinopal, 202-350-4767, charlesvinopal@rational360.com
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The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) represents manufacturers and suppliers of global communications networks through standards development, policy and advocacy, business opportunities, market intelligence, and events and networking. TIA enhances the business environment for broadband, mobile wireless, information technology, networks, cable, satellite and unified communications. Members' products and services empower communications in every industry and market, including healthcare, education, security, public safety, transportation, government, the military, the environment, and entertainment. Visit tiaonline.org for more details. TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and is a proud sponsor of ANSI’s Standards Boost Business campaign. Visit www.standardsboostbusiness.org for details.