TIA Supports Presidential Memorandum on National Spectrum Strategy
Arlington, VA (October 25, 2018) –– The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), the leading association representing the manufacturers and suppliers of high-tech communications networks, today expressed strong support for the White House’s Presidential Memorandum directing the creation of a National Spectrum Strategy.
Cinnamon Rogers, TIA’s Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, issued the following statement:
“TIA strongly supports today’s action by the President to direct the creation of a National Spectrum Strategy. Even as the first 5G deployments and IoT applications are beginning to transform today’s networks, new technologies are being developed that could fundamentally transform how spectrum will be used in the future. Coordinated, long-term planning is essential to bring together stakeholders from industry and the federal government, and today’s action sets that process in motion. We’re particularly pleased that the new National Spectrum Strategy will look at the benefits and impacts of new spectrum sharing technologies, while also exploring what the federal government’s spectrum research and development priorities should be. We look forward to working with the Administration as today’s Memorandum is implemented in the months ahead.”
Ashley Simmons, 703-907-7704, asimmons@tiaonline.org
About TIA
The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) represents more than 300 companies that enable high-speed communications networks and accelerate next-generation ICT innovation. Through leadership in U.S. and international advocacy, technology programs and standards development and business performance solutions, TIA and its members are accelerating global connectivity across every industry and market.