Search results for: grounding and bonding

TIA Publishes New Standard -ANSI/TIA-607-E-Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) for Customer Premises

Arlington VA  (May 17, 2024) – The Telecommunications Industry Association, which develops standards for the information and communications technology industry, has released a new document, ANSI/TIA-607-E, Generic Telecommunications Bonding and…

TIA Issues Recirculation Ballot for TIA-607-E- Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) for Customer Premises

Arlington VA. (June 29, 2023) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR-42.3 Engineering Committee on Commercial Building Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces has issued a recirculation ballot for document TIA-607-E initially…

TIA Issues Call for Interest on new Project for Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) for Customer Premises

Arlington VA. (February 03, 2023) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR-42.3 Engineering Committee on Commercial Building Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces has issued a call for interest for document TIA-607-E…

TIA issues New Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) for Customer Premises, Addendum 1: Harmonization with ANSI/TIA-222

Arlington, VA (July 14, 2021) – The Telecommunications Industry Association, which develops standards for the information and communications technology industry, has released a new document, Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding…

TR-42.3 Telecommunications Administration, Pathways, Spaces, Bonding and Grounding (569)

The TR-42.3 Subcommittee develops and maintains standards for telecommunications administration, pathways, spaces, bonding and grounding.

TIA Issues Call for Interest on new Project for Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) for Customer Premises Addendum 1: Harmonization with ANSI/TIA-222

Stakeholders Invited to Contact TIA Regarding Participation. Arlington VA. (Nov. 17, 2020) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR-42.3 Engineering Committee on Telecommunications Administration, Pathways, Spaces, Bonding and Grounding (569)…

TIA Issues Call for Interest on New Project for Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) for Customer Premises

Stakeholders Invited to Contact TIA Regarding Participation                                             Arlington, VA…

TIA Issues Call for Interest on new Project for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces Addendum 1: Revised Temperature and Humidity Guidelines for Telecommunications Spaces

Stakeholders Invited to Contact TIA Regarding Participation. Arlington VA. (January 27, 2022) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR-42.3 Engineering Committee on Telecommunications Administration, Pathways, Spaces, Bonding and Grounding (569)…

TR-42.3 Pathways and Spaces – February 2021

Click “Find out more >>” for meeting registration link and agenda.

TIA Issues Call for Interest on new Project for Automated infrastructure management (AIM) systems Requirements, data exchange and applications, Addendum 1: Adoption of ISO/IEC 18598 AMD1 ED1

Stakeholders Invited to Contact TIA Regarding Participation. Arlington VA. (Oct. 29, 2020) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR-42.3 Engineering Committee on Telecommunications Administration, Pathways, Spaces, Bonding and Grounding (569)…

TIA Issues Call for Interest on new Project for Administration Standard for Telecommunications Infrastructure

Stakeholders Invited to Contact TIA Regarding Participation. Arlington VA. (Oct. 29, 2020) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR-42.3 Engineering Committee on Telecommunications Administration, Pathways, Spaces, Bonding and Grounding (569)…

TIA Launches Task Group to Develop Industry Standards for Edge Data Centers

Arlington, VA (February 7, 2019) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), the leading association representing the manufacturers and suppliers of high-tech communications networks, today announced the launch of a new standards task group…