ICT devices are multiplying in both application, volume and complexity, necessitating the need for efficient device testing and approval procedures. Streamlined and globally harmonized equipment authorization procedures is key to decreasing cost and time-to-market for equipment manufacturers and providing customers with quicker access to devices at lower costs.
TIA Government Affairs addresses equipment authorization and device assurance through the following advocacy efforts:
- Supporting the expansion of electronic labeling by both domestic and international regulators, as demonstrated by TIA successes like the E-LABEL Act that helped reduce costs by eliminating unnecessary and outdated regulatory requirements, while making certification information more accessible for customers
- Advocating for continued modernization of FCC and global authorization procedures for wireless devices—many of which are manufactured by TIA members
- Streamlining wireless testing procedures for wireless devices and harmonizing global regulations
- Examining ways to improve governmental device approval processes towards increasing certainty and efficiencies, including proactive and open dialog with stakeholders
- Advancing approaches to the efficient regulation of ICT, such as reduced import restrictions and the use of a self-declaring certification regime
- Promoting the use and harmonization of international standards and technical requirements to maximize global availability and competitive pricing of ICT equipment