Digitization is Everything: TIA’s CTO Council Recap

TIA’s CTO Council Meeting in Dallas, TX created several important points on how to tackle the challenges in the digitization of our networks, applications, hardware and software. Joining the discussion…

I Know SDN. Now What?

Guido Appenzeller, Chief Technology Strategy Officer of the Networking & Security Business Unit at Vmware, tells TIA NOW why the mechanics of SDN is not the hot topic anymore. Now,…

Keeping Citizens Safe: IoT Security in the Age of Smart Communities

In this video panel from Nest headquarters in Palo Alto, CA, IoT security experts from VMware, Nest, NIST and Palo Alto Networks weigh in on consumer IoT and security. How…

OpenFlow Inventor Says NFV is Here

Virtual test beds that measure the degrees of automation for NFV orchestrated networks are blanketing the industry. TIA NOW talked with one of the pioneers of virtual networking, Martin Casado,…

Part 3 – Break the Restraints: Uncovering Software-Defined Networking

The software-defined networking movement is here. So what will our world look like when we are SDN enabled? The Future of the Network will soon be virtualized as changing cloud…

Part 5 – The Value Chain: Building Value in the Chain

No matter where you are in the supply chain of the ICT industry, collaboration between your suppliers and customers increasingly dictates the success of your new products and services. The…

SDN, Moving Markets in the Enterprise

Martin Casado, the inventor of Openflow talks to TIA NOW about how the enterprise is changing with the adoption of SDN.

Software Defined Networking with OpenFlow

The inventor of OpenFlow, an open standard for Network Virtualization, gives TIA NOW a breakdown of the functionality of SDN.

The State of the Network: What’s Next for SDN?

Martin Casado, SVP and GM of VMWare’s Networking and Security Business Unit, tells TIA NOW’s Abe Nejad about the next moves for SDN technologies.

The Virtualization Revolution: NFV Unleashed – Part 6

The explosive growth of internet traffic has disrupted the technology industry, threatening to clog telecom networks… unless a new, scalable approach is implemented. This documentary explores the evolution of Network…