As the Pace of Innovation Accelerates, Technology Standards are at the Forefront of Connected Societies

The technology landscape is constantly evolving as high-tech is developed, old technologies improved, and new policies introduced. As the world races toward a 5G future, technology standards have become more important than ever before. Standards—both new and existing—will be vital to the development and adoption of tomorrow’s technologies.

ASSE AND TIA Announce Effort to Raise Awareness Around Important New Communication Tower Standards

Arlington, Va. (September 15, 2016) -The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) are launching a joint effort to raise awareness of new standards that…

Cable Ready: New Leadership for TR-42

The TR-42 engineering committee of TIA develops and maintains voluntary standards for cabling infrastructure in user-owned buildings. That committee recently elected new leadership, including Henry Franc, Technology Solutions Architect at…

Communications Towers: New Standards Coming Soon

Two separate standards have been developed to provide greater clarity to all vested stakeholders in construction planning and implementation for communications towers. TIA’s Vice President of Technology and Standards Stephanie…

Global Standards

TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a standards developing organization (SDO). 

Global Standards
Standards (old)

TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a standards developing organization (SDO).