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Benchmarking as a Service

The QuESTMark platform provides a collaborative environment to establish meaningful performance comparison measures, assign relative performance, and examine best practices across the industry. It is based on internationally agreed upon…

Integrated Global Quality (IGQ)

The Integrated Global Quality (IGQ) working group defines system requirements for the design, development, production, delivery, installation and maintenance of telecom products and services and drives a measurement system that allows companies to track and benchmark results and improve performance.

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Performance Data Reports (PDRs)

The Business Performance Community’s Benchmarking Initiative provides it members companies benchmarking for comparing their company’s performance with others.

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The importance of quality Quality always has and will be one of the most defining characteristics of leaders in any industry. Sometimes high-quality products are taken for granted, but almost…

Supporting 5G: The Evolving Service Environment

Analysts from IDC including spoke with TIA NOW about the tough issues that the communications technology industry is currently tackling, which were covered at the TIA Connectivity Jam in Dallas,…

Business Performance Initiatives featured image

​Through its initiatives, TIA’s Business Performance Community (BPC) develops innovative solutions, comprehensive tools and resources to positively impact business results and customer experience. ​Benchmarking The Business Performance Community’s Benchmarking initiative…