TR-45.8 Core Networks – Mobile and Personal Communications Standards


David Crowe
Xiaowu Zhao
Vice Chair
ZTE Corporation

Committee Description

Mobile and Personal Communications Standards Subcommittee TR-45.8 is assigned the authority to develop performance, compatibility, and interoperability standards for equipment that supports Wireless Packet Data, which is independent from, and may be adjunct to, a system that supports any combination of public, non-public, or residential mobile and personal communications. In addition, TR45.8 is assigned the authority to develop Circuit Switched core network and Multi-media core network standards. These standards pertain to service definition and network interface standards for support of interoperability and intersystem operations, for interfaces between those network elements that comprise the infrastructure, in support of seamless service to wireless subscribers, other mobile and personal communication network systems, auxiliary systems, and to other networks. TR-45.8 is also assigned the authority to develop standards pertaining to regional regulatory capabilities.

The Wireless Packet Data standards pertain to service definition, wireless mobile station equipment, wireless base station equipment, ancillary apparatus, as covered by applicable Parts of the FCC Rules, and to network infrastructure, network procedures, interworking functions and network administration and maintenance as they pertain to support of these wireless packet data services.

Sub Committee TR-45.8 shall coordinate, for the purpose of consistency, and to promote efficient and timely development of standards, with other Subcommittees within TR-45, other TR Committees, other international, foreign or national standards bodies and appropriate industry organizations as their work requires. Sub Committee TR-45.8 shall support efforts to promote standards developed within the Subcommittee at international, foreign or national standards fora.

Subcommittee TR-45.8 operates within the Mission Statement of the Telecommunications Industry Association and under the direct supervision and guidelines of Committee TR-45.

The Standards development programs of Subcommittee TR-45.8 operate under the accreditation awarded to the Telecommunications Industry Association by the American National Standards Institute. Subcommittee TR-45.8 operates under the guidelines of the Telecommunications Industry Association.