Tom McGarry

Vice President of Standards

Tom McGarry is the Vice President of Standards at TIA. He is responsible for managing the standards development processes, researching new technologies in order to increase value for TIA’s members and understand its impact on public policy. Tom continues to drive TIA’s role as the trusted industry association for the connected world.

Prior to joining TIA Tom was the Vice President of Advanced Technology at Neustar, in addition to being named as Neustar’s first Fellow. His role there was research and development for new technologies and managing Neustar’s involvement in domestic and global standards organizations including ATIS, 3GPP, GSMA and IETF. In addition, Tom was responsible for representing Neustar’s technology input to state and federal regulators on public policy issues and identifying and driving new business opportunities. Before Neustar Tom held multiple engineering roles at Verizon for both the mobile and landline networks.

Tom has been a Board member at ATIS, Co-Chair of the IETF MODERN Working Group, a member of both the FCC’s North American Numbering Council and Technological Advisory Committee (TAC). He was the Co-Chair of the TAC’s 5G Cybersecurity Subcommittee. He holds patents and is an audio engineer and program producer for radio shows and podcasts.