
Audit and certification are an important step for data centers to validate that the design and build meets the requirements laid down in the ANSI/TIA-942 standard. Audits are conducted by appropriate qualified and certified auditors of companies that have been licensed by TIA as a TIA-licensed Certification Body (CB).

Types of TIA-942 Certification


Indicates that the design documents under scope have been reviewed for conformity to the design criteria of the ANSI/TIA-942 standard for the respective rating level.


Indicates that the facility and related design documents have been physically onsite inspected for conformity to the ANSI/TIA-942 standard for the respective rating level.


Indicates that a modular data center, has been designed in accordance to the ANSI/TIA-942 standard for the respective rating level.

Rating Levels

The ANSI/TIA-942 standard describes the following four rating levels in which data centers can be classified. Detailed specifications are given in the ANSI/TIA-942 standard.

  • Rated-1: Basic Site Infrastructure
    A data center which has single capacity components and a single, non-redundant distribution path serving the computer equipment. It has limited protection against physical events.
  • Rated-2: Redundant Capacity Component Site Infrastructure
    A data center which has redundant capacity components and a single, non-redundant distribution path serving the computer equipment.  It has improved protection against physical events.
  • Rated-3: Concurrently Maintainable Site Infrastructure
    A data center which has redundant capacity components and multiple independent distribution paths serving the computer equipment. Typically, only one distribution path serves the computer equipment at any time. The site is concurrently maintainable which means that every capacity component, including elements which are part of the distribution path, can be removed/replaced/serviced on a planned basis without disrupting the ICT capabilities to the end user. It has protection against most physical events.
  • Rated-4: Fault Tolerant Site Infrastructure
    A data center which has redundant capacity components and multiple independent distribution paths serving the computer equipment which all are active. The data center allows concurrent maintainability and one (1) fault anywhere in the installation without causing downtime. It has protection against almost all physical events.


  • The TIA-942 Design Certification is valid for one year, extendable if a site is not operational yet.
  • The TIA-942 Facilities Certification is valid for 3 years. By the end of year-1 and year-2, the data center should undergo a surveillance audit. By the end of year-3, the data center must undergo a recertification audit to maintain valid certification.
  • The TIA-942 Ready Certification is valid for one year with yearly recertification.