TIA Applauds Launch of Commercial Services in 3.5 GHz CBRS Band

Arlington, VA (September 18, 2019) – The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), the leading association representing the manufacturers and suppliers of high-tech communications networks, today issued the following statement regarding the launch of commercial services in the 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Services (CBRS) band.

Colin Andrews, TIA’s Director of Government Affairs, issued the following statement:

“TIA is pleased with this week’s long-awaited FCC Public Notice authorizing Initial Commercial Deployments for CBRS spectrum. We welcome the launch of the first commercial service in the band, and we look forward to this valuable mid-band spectrum being put to work to benefit U.S. consumers and enterprises. We also applaud the FCC for setting a June 2020 auction date and working to advance consideration of auction rules for the band at this month’s Open Meeting.  As the global race to 5G accelerates, optimizing the use of our nation’s spectrum resources through market-based approaches is critical to U.S. leadership.  We continue to urge the FCC to move forward quickly with efforts to make more spectrum available.”


Clarence Reynolds, 703-907-7004, creynolds@tiaonline.org

About TIA

The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) represents more than 400 companies that enable high-speed communications networks and accelerate next-generation ICT innovation. Through leadership in U.S. and international advocacy, technology programs and standards development and business performance solutions, TIA and its members are accelerating global connectivity across every industry and market.