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TR-60.B Information Management Subcommittee Meeting
The TR-60 ICT Lifecycle Management Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary standards for the planning, documentation, design, remediation and operation of information and communications technology (ICT) systems, infrastructure and services.
The rapid development, release and adoption of new ICT equipment and infrastructure since the rise of networking and the Internet has not included the development of standards to manage the operation and lifecycle of the underlying technology. This resulted in inconsistent technology management with very little standardization, consistency and performance management baselines from site-to-site, even within the same companies.
The TR-60 Engineering Committee creates standards that address the management of technology for qualifying vertical markets, focusing on planning, document, design, remediation and operation.
Interested in Participating in a TIA Engineering Committee? Reach out to Cheryl Thibideau cthibideau@tiaonline.org
TIA Connect Homepage: https://connect.tiaonline.org/communities/stdshome?CommunityKey=eebc3d55-6e5b-4663-9404-0721315e131e
Meeting Notice: https://connect.tiaonline.org/viewdocument/tr-60b-21-september-2023-meeting-n
Agenda: https://connect.tiaonline.org/viewdocument/tr-60b-21-september-2023-agenda
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone: https://meet.goto.com/441829981
You can also dial in using your phone: You can also dial in using your phone.
Access Code: 441-829-981
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Meeting Contact: Cheryl Thibideau at cthibideau@tiaonline.org