- This event has passed.
TR-42.12 Optical Fibers and Cables – February 2021
All TIA non-members can download contributions and other meeting documents before the meeting by accessing the following Standalone Library: https://connect.tiaonline.org/communities/community-home/librarydocuments?LibraryKey=3EAA9087-C7B2-4503-9DFB-C3787088B28D
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Telecommunications 1310 North Courthouse Road, Suite 890 +1.703.907.7700 MAIN
Industry Association Arlington, VA 22201, USA +1.703.907.7727 FAX
TR-42.12 Telecommunications Cabling Systems Engineering Committee
Date: 2021.02.04
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm (MST)
Location: Virtual GoToWebinar
Chair: Patrick VanVickle
Vice Chair: Roman Shubochkin
Meeting Schedule:
Registration: (not required as meeting is not in person)
GoToWebinar Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7553773937034774285
TIA Important Notice of Participation
Participation in, or attendance at, any activity of a TIA Formulating Group or any sub-element thereof, constitutes acceptance of an agreement to be bound by all provisions of TIA Standards Development Procedures and permission that all communications and statements, oral or written, or other information disclosed or presented, and any translation or derivative thereof, may without compensation, and to the extent such participant or attendee may legally and freely grant such copyright rights, be distributed, published, and posted on TIA’s web site, in whole or in part, on a non-exclusive basis by TIA or TIA’s licensees or assignees, or as TIA directs. Exceptions to the foregoing may be granted or permitted in writing to the Chair of the Formulating Group by the head of the TIA Standards Department on a case-by-case basis.
TIA is actively seeking participation in TR-42 standards projects from the user and general interest categories
1. Administrative/General Business
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Attendance (Call Quorum, Introductions, Roster)
Meeting sign-in link: attendance will be collected via GoToWebinar
1.3. Current Meeting Agenda Review and Approval
1.4. Previous Meeting Report Review and Approval
1.5. TIA Intellectual Property Rights (Early Disclosure Policy)
TIA’s Intellectual Property Rights Policy can be found in Statements of Policy (ANNEX C) and other clauses and annexes of TIA Standards Development Procedures. Participants in the work of the TIA Formulating Groups are urged to review the appropriate sections. Individual participants are encouraged to notify TIA of any patent(s) or published pending patent application(s) of which they are aware that may be essential to the practice of a proposed TIA
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Telecommunications 1310 North Courthouse Road, Suite 890 +1.703.907.7700 MAIN
Industry Association Arlington, VA 22201, USA +1.703.907.7727 FAX
Publication, including requirements introduced through normative references, early on in the development to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the proposed TIA Publication will become a Standard. However, a Patent Holder who has provided TIA with a TIA Patent Holder Statement with respect to the applicable proposed TIA Publication need not (but may elect to) identify its specific patent(s) or published pending patent application(s) that may be essential to the practice of the proposed TIA Publication in question. Patent searches are not required to comply with the TIA Intellectual Property Rights Policy.
1.6. Distribution of documents and contributions
The following documents distributed via TIAConnect
Table 1. Contributions
VanVickle, Sumitomo
Meeting Agenda
Pondillo, Corning
IEC SC86A Report
Kozischek, Corning
ITU Report
VanVickle, Sumitomo
ICEA Report
Tourreau Photon, Kinetics
Presentation regarding adoption updates.
Tourreau Photon, Kinetics
ANSI-TIA-455-133 Project Request
Tourreau Photon, Kinetics
ANSI-TIA-455-203 Project Request
Tourreau Photon, Kinetics
ANSI-TIA-455-204 Project Request
VanVickle, Sumitomo
Colorimeter Results
VanVickle, Sumitomo
Ballot Authorization – Adapt IEC 60793-2:2015 as ANSI/TIA-4920000-C
VanVickle, Sumitomo
Ballot Authorization – Adapt 60793-2-10:2019 as ANSI/TIA-492AAAF
VanVickle, Sumitomo
Publication Authorization – ANSI/TIA-455-178
1.7. Chair’s Report and General Items
1.8. List of Standards and TSBs from Subcommittee
Please reference the tracking spreadsheet located in TIAConnect TR42.12 workspace.
1.9. Liaison letters received
1.10. Reports
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Telecommunications 1310 North Courthouse Road, Suite 890 +1.703.907.7700 MAIN
Industry Association Arlington, VA 22201, USA +1.703.907.7727 FAX
1.10.1. IEC SC86A – TR42.12-2020-10-002
Please note a virtual meeting will be held for USTAG 86A 10:00am – 12:00pm 1/25 (ahead of this meeting), please register and attend. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/297499670526692621
1.10.2. ITU-T – TR42.12-2020-10-003
1.10.3. ICEA – TR42.12-2020-10-004
2. Old Business
2.1. TIA-455-3 (FOTP-3) Temperature Ramps and Precision
Ballot issuing ahead of meeting, should close just before, comment resolution to be held.
2.2. TIA-455-111 (FOTP-111), fiber curl, adoption of IEC 60793-1-34
Update from Phil Irwin on monitoring the timing of the IEC publication. IEC is still in discussion on this document and it has not balloted, at least a year probably for publication.
2.3. TIA-455-244 (FOTP-244), Temperature cycling of expressed tubes
Published 2020.9.18, project closed.
2.4. TIA-492 Series Restructuring
2.4.1. Generic (Adapt IEC 60793-2:2015 as ANSI/TIA-4920000-C)
Ballot closed successfully, Approve: 11, Abstain: 13, Approve with Comments: 1
New project opened to update cross references in the document (TR42.12-2020-10-005 TIA-492 Fiber Designation Cross Reference Revision).
Ballot will be necessary, will request authorization in the meeting. TR42.12-2021-10-011
2.4.2. Multimode (Adapt 60793-2-10:2019 as ANSI/TIA-492AAAF)
New project opened to update cross references in the document (TR42.12-2020-10-005 TIA-492 Fiber Designation Cross Reference Revision).
Ballot will be necessary, will request authorization in the meeting. TR42.12-2021-10-012
2.5. ANSI/TIA-598-D-2014
Still planning in person round robin of with color measurement devices and Munsell books. Delayed until next in person meeting. Sumitomo Munsell book measurement results presented for information (TR42.12-2021-10-010).
2.6. Update adoptions:
2.6.1. TIA-455-78 adopted from IEC 60793-1-40 Optical Fibres – Part 1-40: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures – Attenuation
Published 2020.12.3. Project closed.
2.6.2. TIA-455-62 adopted from IEC-60793-1-47 Optical Fibres – Part 1-47: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures – Macrobending Loss
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Telecommunications 1310 North Courthouse Road, Suite 890 +1.703.907.7700 MAIN
Industry Association Arlington, VA 22201, USA +1.703.907.7727 FAX
Published 2020.12.3. Project closed.
2.6.3. TIA-455-80 adopted from IEC-60793-1-44 Optical Fibres – Part 1-44: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures – Cut-off Wavelength
Published in TIA system, buy not yet on IHS Global, TIA is following up with IHS.
2.6.4. TIA-455-175 adopted from IEC-60793-1-42 Optical Fibres – Part 1-42: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures – Chromatic Dispersion
Published 2020.12.3. Project closed.
2.6.5. TIA-455-176 adopted from IEC-60793-1-20 Optical Fibres – Part 1-20: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures – Fibre Geometry
Published 2020.12.3. Project closed.
2.6.6. TIA-455-177 adopted from IEC-60793-1-43 Optical Fibres – Part 1-43: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures – Numerical Aperture
Published 2020.12.3. Project closed.
2.6.7. TIA-455-178 adopted from IEC-60793-1-32 Optical Fibres – Part 1-32: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures – Coating Stripability
Reballoted due to lack of participation on first ballot. Ballot passed, will request authorization to publish in meeting. TR42.12-2021-10-013
2.6.8. TIA-455-67 adopted from IEC-60793-1-51 Optical Fibres- Part 1-51: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures- Dry Heat
Published 2020.12.3. Project closed.
2.6.9. TIA-455-74 adopted from IEC-60793-1-53 Optical Fibres- Part 1-53: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures- Water Immersion
Published 2020.12.3. Project closed.
2.6.10. TIA-455-160 adopted from IEC-60793-1-50 Optical Fibres- Part 1-50: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures- Damp Heat (Steady State)
Published 2020.12.3. Project closed.
2.6.11. TIA-455-122 adopted from Adopt IEC 60793-1-48: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures-Polarization Mode Dispersion
Published 2020.12.3. Project closed.
3. New Business
3.1. Update adoptions:
3.1.1. TIA-455-133 adopted IEC-60793-1-22:2001 Optical fibres – Part 1-22: Measurement methods and test procedures – Length measurement
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Telecommunications 1310 North Courthouse Road, Suite 890 +1.703.907.7700 MAIN
Industry Association Arlington, VA 22201, USA +1.703.907.7727 FAX
Vote to open project – TR42.12-2021-02-006.ANSI-TIA-455-133-Revision Project Request Form
3.1.2. TIA-455-203 adopted IEC-61280-1-4 Fibre Optic Communication Subsystem Test Procedures – Part 1-4: General Communication Subsystems – Light Source Encircled Flux Measurement Method
Vote to open project – TR42.12-2021-02-007.ANSI-TIA-455-203-Revision Project Request Form
3.1.3. TIA-455-204 adopted IEC-60793-1-41:2010 Optical fibres – Part 1-41: Measurement methods and test procedures – Bandwidth
Vote to open project – TR42.12-2021-02-008.ANSI-TIA-455-204-Revision Project Request Form
3.2. Recession/Obsolete Documents Discussions
3.2.1. FOTP 30 – Frequency Domain Measurement of Multimode Optical Fiber Information Transmission Capacity
3.2.2. FOTP 54 – Mode Scrambler Requirements for Overfilled Launching Conditions to Multimode Fibers
3.2.3. FOTP124 – Polarization-Mode Dispersion Measurement for Single-Mode Optical Fibers by Interferometry (Merge with FOTP 122?)
3.3. Standards Spreadsheet review – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pkIMX2Vve9VhNyAXb9WB8xyZvDgdpPZk_SkZdyI3Xko/edit?usp=sharing
All TIA non-members can access contributions and other meeting documents before the meeting by accessing the following TR-42.12 Standalone Library: https://connect.tiaonline.org/communities/community-home/librarydocuments?LibraryKey=3EAA9087-C7B2-4503-9DFB-C3787088B28D
TR-42.12 members/participants are instructed to download contributions and other meeting documents from TIA Connect (connect.tiaonline.org) before the meeting.
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Telecommunications 1310 North Courthouse Road, Suite 890 +1.703.907.7700 MAIN
Industry Association Arlington, VA 22201, USA +1.703.907.7727 FAX
To access the meeting’s contributions, please follow the directions below:
o Go to connect.tiaonline.org
o Enter your Username (your email address in the TIA database)
o Enter your Password
o Click “LOGIN”
o Click the “Communities” tab and then select “All My Communities”
o Scroll down the page and select “TR-42.12 Optical Fibers and Cables”
o Click on “Documents” and then select the “2021-02 Virtual” folder
Contributions shall use the approved templates and specific wording provided by TIA. Contributions affecting a document are to include a TIA cover sheet, proposed text to be included in the document, and the rationale/substantiation for the contribution. File templates are available on TIA Connect under the Standards Procedure Toolbox tab in the Form folder for download. All contributions shall be submitted to the electronic document coordinator (EDC). All electronic files shall be provided in either Adobe Acrobat (*.PDF); Microsoft Word (*.DOC); Microsoft PowerPoint (*.PPT); or in Microsoft Excel(*.XLS). Compressed files shall be accessible using PKUNZIP or WINZIP (*.ZIP).
Early submittal and posting of contributions for consideration in meetings is highly encouraged. Contributions shall be submitted to the EDC as soon as possible and then posted to the appropriate TIA Connect folders by the EDC as soon after receipt as possible, preferably within one business day. All contributions shall be posted to the appropriate location on TIA Connect no later than 12:00 noon EST on the Monday preceding the week of the meeting in which the contribution is to be considered (example: if the meeting will be held on Thursday the 20th, the contributions shall be posted by noon on Monday the 10th).
Contributions provided to the EDC within 24-hours of the meeting shall be classified as “late contributions.” They may be considered in the meeting to which they are addressed at the discretion of the chair. All late contributions shall be provided to the EDC and to the committee members on a memory stick or other electronic media. All late contributions shall be posted to TIA Connect within one week of meeting adjournment.
Questions and comments on this agenda should be submitted to:
Patrick VanVickle, Vice Chair
Roman Shubochkin, Vice-Chair