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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC25/WG1 Home Electronic Systems – Spring Meeting – Week 2 of 2


Monday, May 24, 2021, 10:00 am - EST
Friday, May 28, 2021, 2:00 pm - EST
Event Category:


JTC 1/SC 25/WG 1 Meetings will be held as follows:
The first week- May 17- May 21, 2021
The second week May 24- May 28, 2021

Meeting Notice and Agenda for WG 1 meeting to be held via Zoom teleconference May 17-21 and 24-28, 2021 (for 2-3 hours each day).

Online Instructions:
Url: http://iec.zoom.us/j/93994905114?pwd=SEdGMmRLUTVwb0xvbUdBTUkrYWZvZz09
Login: iec.zoom.us/j/93994905114?pwd=SEdGMmRLUTVwb0xvbUdBTUkrYWZvZz09 Meeting ID: 939 9490 5114 Password: 559840

Notice: https://connect.tiaonline.org/viewdocument/meeting-notice-and-agenda-for-upcom?CommunityKey=3e46166f-331b-45e4-b309-46f100b3c390&tab=librarydocuments&LibraryFolderKey=32ad8f33-5a01-4c98-a2ee-6bc3abd0b21d&DefaultView=folder

Agenda: https://connect.tiaonline.org/viewdocument/meeting-notice-and-agenda-for-upcom?CommunityKey=3e46166f-331b-45e4-b309-46f100b3c390&tab=librarydocuments&LibraryFolderKey=32ad8f33-5a01-4c98-a2ee-6bc3abd0b21d&DefaultView=folder

Please be advised that Zoom call in information will be the same for all the days during the meetings. So Please mark the dates, time and on your calendars.

TIA Contact for additional information or questions: Florence Otieno at 703-965-4650 or e-mail: fotieno@tiaonline.org