Basic Fiber Optics and Outside Plant Fiber Optics

By National Technology Transfer (NTT)

   Colorado, Illinois, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia

Course Details

Basic Fiber Optic (CFOT): Training sessions can be taught at either a Regional Training location or at a Client Site. During this 3 day hands-on seminar, students will learn: -Techniques for terminating an splicing fiber -Testing and troubleshooting -Installation techniques -How to install, test and certify fiber optic networks the right way -The ins-and-outs of design considerations and specification requirements -Test equipment: OTDRs, power meters/light sources, microscopes and continuity testers -Budget/loss analysis techniques for fiber optic circuits -Time and money saving installation tips -The correct way to document a fiber optic network -Fiber optic installation safety requirements.

Outside Plant Fiber Optics (CFOS/O): Each class is 3-days long. This course builds on the foundation NTT Fiber Optics Training (prerequisite) with a focus on outside plant (OSP) fiber optic cable plants and communication systems including the construction and installation of aerial and underground cable plants. At the end of this training students should understand and be able to demonstrate cable preparation of OSP cables, fusion splicing for concatenation and termination and testing with a focus on OTDRs.

Contact Information

National Technology Transfer (NTT)

Training Type

  • Fiber/Coax Networks

Training Level

  • Basic

Delivery Mode

  • In Person


  • Colorado
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Virginia

Associated Jobs

  • 49-9052 Telecommunications Line Installers and Repairers